CACFP-Child & Adult Care food program

The South Texas Food Bank is proud to be partnering with the State of Texas in providing free afterschool meals to the children of South Texas. Launched in 2019, the South Texas Food Bank was approved by Texas Department of Agriculture to begin its Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).
This program is a nationally-ran afterschool meal program created by USDA that provides warm and nutritionally-dense and approved meals to children up to the age of 18. Our very own chef designs and prepares the meals while complying with USDA nutritional requirements.
The warm meals are distributed to each site using special warmers which ensure that food is maintained at the proper and safe temperatures.
The CACFP that the South Texas Food Bank runs is designed specifically for the area we live and play in and provide delicious after school meals at approved sites.
The approved sites run the program additionally provide enrichment activities to further compliment the experience. While children eat and socialize, they also have opportunities to gain additional skills and knowledge by engaging in educational activities, receive tutoring services, having access to the internet, or simply having a quiet space to do homework in.

Summer Food Service Program
With the help of the Texas Department of Agriculture and generous donors, the South Texas Food Bank's Summer Food Service Program provides provides warm meals and snacks throughout the summer, is designed to provide nutrition to children who depend on meals provided by the school during the normal school year.
Kids are offered delicious and nutritious meals prepared by South Texas Food Bank’s Scratch Kitchen.
This program is available to kids of all ages at six different sites through grab n’ go distribution.
This program provides meals to an average of 800 children daily.
For More Information:
Albeza Gonzalez
Child Nutrition Program Administrator
(956) 726-3120 Ext. 112